"Dancing with the Stars" Recap: Season 12, Elimination 2
Ah, the “DWTS” results show: 45 minutes of filler, boo, but also 15 minutes of awesome dancing by awesome dancers, yay! This week, Lacey and Dmitri rocked out along with One Republic and Mark and Chelsie took the floor for Selena Gomez’s number. While we’re always happy to see the pros showing off their truly impressive versatility, we were a little sad that both couples veered in the contemporary direction instead of reminding us what real ballroom dancing looks like. (Oh, and ladies: Please stop showing us your crotches. Thanks.) So we were thrilled when the “DWTS” troupe burned through some hardcore ballroom choreo during One Republic’s second song of the evening. We could watch those beautiful people alllllll day.
(Sidenote: Selena Gomez’s dress. It was so…confusing. We usually love her fashion choices–her Oscar dress was stunning–so what compelled her to choose a tattered, lopsided red tutu this time around? Did the Biebs’ barber take a pair of shears to that skirt? Sigh.)
Anyway, Wendy Williams was sent home, and rightfully so. But we’ll miss her distinctive brand of endearing-in-spite-of-itself crazy. Case in point: her parting shot last night: “Thank you so much for teaching me to dance, because this is one black girl who couldn’t even do the running man.” Bless your heart, Ms. Williams.
(But seriously: What WAS Selena’s dress? Was it covered in…butterflies? Snowflakes? Was she attacked by a flock of…doilies?)
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