#TBT: Let's Never Forget the Obamas' Dance Moves

November 9, 2016

However you feel about Barack and Michelle Obama, one thing is clear: They can dance. Like, actually dance. And man, are we going to miss that.

Since it’s Thursday, let’s take a walk down memory lane and revisit some of the current First Couple’s dance highlights.

We love how sweet the two of them are when they dance together.

And we love that President Obama will do things like sit down for a chat with world-class dancer Misty Copeland.

Screenshot via time.com

But tbh, this post is really a fan letter to Michelle.

Because she made dancing a central part of her “Let’s Move” campaign.

And broke it down on “Ellen,” alongside the likes of Travis Wall and tWitch and Kathryn McCormick, to promote her #GimmeFive challenge.

And showed off her seriously classic mom moves on “Fallon.”


And that’s
just the tip of the iceberg.

Thanks for perhaps the danciest presidency ever, Obamas. Never stop.

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