A Love Letter to Ellen
We just couldn’t let the year end without giving one final shout out to Ellen Degeneres. Basically, she wins 2013. (But, let’s be honest, she pretty much wins every year.) One of the biggest non-dancers-in-support-of-dancers, Ellen’s shows are constantly bringing up-and-comers to the spotlight. Ellen, on behalf of dancers and dance lovers everywhere, we love you.
To celebrate her greatness, here are a few of our favorite, dance-tastic Ellen moments from this year:
When this three-year-old cutie nailed Beyoncé’s dance moves, twice. (She’s almost as good as our May/June 2013 cover stars.):
When this 4-year-old animator got to meet his idol, Cyrus Spencer:
When the “So You Think You Can Dance” All-Stars performed:
When tWitch got all Saturday Night Fever for Halloween:
When tWitch was The Fox:
When Ellen inspired us all by bringing out one-legged tapper, Evan Ruggiero:
And then inspired us again by introducing us to Lazylegz:
Finally, in her latest act of greatness, when Ellen starred in this trailer (choreographed by tWitch) for the 2014 Oscars:
Here’s to another Ellen-filled year!