What Is It with Amazing 11-Year-Old Dancers These Days?
Hey there, 11-year-old dancers! You were born in 2003—the year Beyoncé released “Crazy in Love”!—and yet recently, you’ve been proving to the world just how much it’s possible to accomplish in a little more than a decade.
A couple of weeks ago, everyone at Dance Spirit became obsessed with Taylor Hatala, the tween phenom from Canada who kind of destroyed us with her performance of choreographer Laurence Kaiwai’s “Anaconda” routine.
Today, I can’t stop watching another fantabulous 11-year-old: Adi Malcolm. Adi just posted two videos of her incredible dancing to dubstep, showcasing some crazy body control. Here’s the kicker: Not only is Adi too tiny to ride most roller coasters, but she’s also never taken a dance class in her life. She picked up everything she knows from the wilds of YouTube.
And she calls herself “Audacious Adi.” I love this kid.