Bask in the Danciness of the La La Land Teasers
How American in Paris-y is the poster? LOVE.
You guys! We need to FREAK OUT talk about La La Land. It’s out in select cities December 9, it stars Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, it’s already getting Oscar buzz—and it’s the most fabulously song-and-dance-y thing to hit the big screen since, oh, the movie musicals of the 1950s.
Which is exactly the idea. Writer Damien Chazelle wanted “to take the old [movie] musical but ground it in real life where things don’t always work out.” The result is a modern-day spin on the classic genre, telling the story of an aspiring actress and a struggling jazz musician through song and—hooray!—LOTS of dance.
There are no fewer than 15 musical numbers in La La Land, with choreography by the ever-fantastic Mandy Moore. And you’ll see almost literally every dancer in Hollywood onscreen at some point. In addition to High Strung‘s Sonoya Mizuno, who has a speaking role, the movie’s IMDB page credits—take a breath before you start down this list, because it’s a doozy—Melinda Sullivan, Dana Wilson, Khasan Brailsford, Montana Efaw, Galen Hooks, Jeremy Hudson, Ryan Ramirez, Bryan Tanaka, Mallauri Esquibel, Martha Nichols, Robert Roldan and Chelsea Thedinga. (And that is a VERY PARTIAL list.)
We already knew Stone and (especially) Gosling were triple threats, and the peeks we get at their dance scenes in the movie’s various teasers are verrrrry intriguing—lots of Fred-and-Ginger vibes. Take a look at the film’s official trailer and a great behind-the-scenes featurette, which includes an interview with Moore, below.