Can't Touch This '90s Dance Flick
You know, we’re always in the mood for a good Romeo and Juliet–style dance movie: boy meets girl, boy dances with girl, girl gets mad at boy, girl and boy make up in an epic dance scene…you know the drill. But every once in a while, it’s nice to mix things up—and John M. Chu, director of Step Up 2: The Streets and Step Up 3D, is about to do just that. You guys, he’s planning a ’90s-themed dance comedy!
There’s not much info available yet, other than the title: Can’t Touch This. So we thought we’d help Mr. Chu out a bit by suggesting some not-to-be-missed ’90s dance moves. Naturally, we expect to see some serious Hammer Time-ing, since it was the signature move in MC Hammer’s 1990 hit “U Can’t Touch This.” For your reference:
“Stop. Hammer Time.”
After a bit of Google-ing, we’ve come up with a list of six other dance moves that simply must be included in Can’t Touch This. Here ya go:
1. Da’ Dip, aptly named for the 1996 Freak Nasty classic.
“I put my hand upon your hip. When I dip, you dip, we dip.” —Freak Nasty
2. The Funky Charleston, as made famous by the early ’90s hip-hop duo Kid ‘N Play in their movie House Party. (Oh for the days when pop stars had their own movies…)
Welcome to Kid ‘N Play’s house party.
3. The Jiggy (aka “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It“)—because when Will Smith does it, it’s automatically cool.
Dat blue track suit doe.
5. The “Bye Bye Bye“—technically a hit from 2000, but *NSYNC was soo ’90s, we think it still counts.
TBT to JT’s mushroom ‘fro, amirite?
6. You knew it was coming: The Carleton Dance! (We <3 Alfonso Ribeiro.)
Alright, guys, it’s your turn to get in on the fun. Google “90s dance moves” and see what historical gems you can dig up. Happy Saturday!