Cast Your Cover Model Vote!
We are so excited to introduce this year’s three Cover Model Search finalists: Hannah Bettes, Alyssa Ness and Megan Skalla!
All three girls are fabulous and we had a blast with them during their time in NYC this April. You can read all about the three talented dancers in the July/August issue of DS (it should be in your mailbox any day now!), and then click here to check out the official CMS site.
Look at photos of the finalists, watch their solo videos and get a behind-the-scenes peek at their trip to NYC.
Then comes the hard part: Pick your favorite dancer!
Are you in love with Alyssa’s extra-long extensions? Totally digging Megan’s spunky personality and archy feet? Or maybe you’ve got a thing for Hannah, who makes beautiful ballet look easy.
We know it’s tough, but take a look around, and then decide who you want to see on the October cover of Dance Spirit. You only get to vote once, so make it count!