Celebrating Interdependence on Independence Day
Here at Dance Spirit, we like to celebrate Indepen-DANCE Day with a feast of our favorite patriotic dance moments. Because what goes better with hot dogs and corn on the cob than a marathon of George Balanchine’s Stars and Stripes on repeat?
This year, we’re doing things a little bit differently. Don’t get me wrong: We’re still going to watch Stars and Stripes at least five times. But we’re also going to take a little time today to celebrate our interdepen-DANCE. You guys, we’re invited to a July 4th global dance party!
Here’s the deal: There’s this song called “We Are All Connected,” which comes from the Children’s Pop Musical Pacha’s Pajamas. It honors the connection between kids and teens across the globe. For this holiday weekend, the producers of Pacha’s Pajamas hope to take this message one step further. And what better way to celebrate interdependence than through the universal language (and our favorite language): dance?
Here’s how it works: An online instructional video teaches simple choreography to the chorus of “We Are All Connected.” And when we say simple, we mean SIMPLE. No worries: The verses are left open—so begin polishing your most impressive freestyle. Once you learn the choreo and plan your freestyle, get together with a group of friends and/or family and film your performance. Post the video to YouTube with #WeAreALLConnected and #PachasPajamas, and your video will be featured on the website. To get a better idea of the project, check out the trailer below:
So go ahead and pull grandpa away from the TV, little sister from the pool and dad from the grill and get your global groove on.