Watch This Incredibly Powerful Dance Protesting Gun Violence
As hundreds of thousands of students across the country participated in school walkouts and marches over the past few weeks, protesting school shootings and gun violence in America, one group of young comp kids decided to take a stand through dance. And the resulting video is truly powerful.
Choreographed and directed by Chelsea Jennings, the video features dancers from Club Dance Studio in Mesa, AZ, including Dance Spirit faves like Avery Gay, Jaycee Wilkins, Brynn Rumfallo, Brooklin Cooley, and Claire Mertens. Dressed in orange in honor of 14-year-old Parkland shooting victim and dancer Jaime Guttenberg, the girls perform some gorgeous and emotional choreo, and hold up posters displaying rallying cries like “Enough is Enough” and “We Are The Future.”
Via YouTube
The mission of the piece? To spread love. The video’s YouTube page says, “In a world where you can be anything, be kind. We hope to spread awareness, support and love to those in need. We believe in a brighter tomorrow. We are the future.”
Jaime’s dad, Fred Guttenberg, even tweeted his approval:
Not only is the video a beautiful tribute to those we’ve lost in school shootings, it’s also a reminder of how important it is to stand up for what you believe in through your art, no matter how young you are.
Hug your dance sisters a little tighter today, and always remember to be kind. ❤️