Elizabeth Streb's Amazing London "Ambush"
If you’re familiar with choreographer Elizabeth Streb—and you should be, because she’s awesome—you know that she’s all about extremes. (Her company is called STREB EXTREME ACTION, after all.) A risk-taker who’s always thinking outside the (theater) box, she’s no stranger to daredevil stunts that involve trampolines and bungee cords.
Yesterday, as part of the London 2012 festival leading up to the Summer Olympics, Streb and her dancers “ambushed” London in a performance called Surprises: Streb. They appeared as if out of nowhere at landmark locations all over the city: the Millennium Bridge, the London Eye, the National Theatre. And they didn’t just use these beautiful sites as backdrops. In true Streb fashion, they danced on them—that is, when they weren’t launching themselves off of them.
This is one of those events that’s better described in pictures than in words, so check out the gallery of jaw-dropping photos below. It looks like it was a crazy—and crazily beautiful—performance.
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