Here's a Holiday Video that Will Melt Your Heart
So, there’s this stereotype of Canadians as, like, genuinely nice people.
As cold-hearted New Yorkers, we always thought that was a myth.
Well, we thought wrong. And here’s the proof.
Last December*, Canada’s WestJet airlines put together a special holiday surprise for passengers waiting to board a red-eye flight from Calgary to Toronto.
The grumpy, tired, generally-annoyed-at-being-in-an-airport crowd was treated to a full-on holiday flash mob, featuring dancing elves and snowmen and a visit from Santa. Oh, and then they all got a bunch of presents, including iPods.
WestJet captured the whole thing on video, and it is sweet and funny and all-around awesome. Happy holidays, everyone!
*Yes, this is a year old. No, we are not apologizing. You’re not sad you watched it, are you? And for the record, WestJet did something equally amazing but far less dance-y this year.