Jimmy Fallon Is on Fire: The Evolution of End Zone Dancing
Jimmy Fallon is on a serious roll. Over the last year or so, he’s given us a razzle-dazzly Broadway Week, the surprisingly dance-heavy History of Rap series, and looks at the evolution of the dorktastic dancing of moms and dads. Who knew a late night show could be so dance-y?
We have a feeling that the sweet dance abilities of Fallon BFF and frequent guest Justin Timberlake—Jimmy’s four-time History of Rap co-star—aren’t hurting the trend. Case in point: Two nights ago, the dynamic duo presented another installment in the Evolution of Dancing series: The Evolution of End Zone Dancing. (Because, oh joy, it’s football time again.)
The mom and dad versions of this sequence, while silly, pretty much make sense. I mean, you’ve seen someone‘s mom doing the “Just the Hands Part of Single Ladies,” and maybe even your own dad doing the “Groovy Hitchiker.” But the end zone dance thing, thanks in no small part to JT, quickly veers into awesomely ridiculous territory.
The first couple of dances are real enough. The rest? Well, let’s just say we’ve never seen anyone do “The Justin Timberlake (From *NSYNC)” on the field. And somehow that makes it even better.
Enjoy, and happy Friday!