Willdabeast Choreographed Jordan Fisher's New Music Video—Backwards

October 25, 2017


For most choreographers, creating music video choreography that perfectly complements a song is challenge enough. But Willdabeast Adams isn’t most choreographers. For his friend Jordan Fisher’s newest track, “Mess,” Adams decided to create choreography that perfectly complements the song when played backwards.

To clarify: In the video, the song plays normally. The footage, which was shot in one long take and includes intricate choreo, plays in reverse. And everything—every step, every hit, every accent—syncs up perfectly. It’s seriously incredible. (Keep an eye for the cameos by an almost-unrecognizable Sean Lew and Adams himself.)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=BI54sKyqS7Y expand=1]

Also, we’d like to give a shout-out to Fisher’s very legit dance skills. If he weren’t already this season’s “Dancing with the Stars” front-runner, he definitely would be now.

Check out the Vevo Footnotes version of the video for behind-the-scenes fun facts about the making of this masterpiece: