We Know How We're Spending our July 4th: Watching "A Capitol Fourth"
July 1, 2016
Ah, the Fourth of July—a long weekend filled with friends, fun, BBQs and… “A Capitol Fourth” on PBS! If you haven’t already marked your calendar or set your DVR, then go, go, go! The hour-and-a-half long program is set to air on PBS Monday night, July 4, and will feature performances from the likes of Hamilton‘s Christopher Jackson (who plays none other than George Washington), and the cast of On Your Feet!, so you know it’s guaranteed to be a thrilling, patriotic time and surely the best way to close out the holiday weekend. We’ll be watching with you—Monday, July 4, from 8–9:30 pm, ET. For more info, check this out.
Lin-Manuel Miranda (left) and Jackson (right) in Hamilton (photo by Sara Krulwich/NYTimes)