Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake's History of Rap (Dancing)

March 17, 2013

So, we’re guessing that by now you’ve heard about Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake’s crazy-awesome “History of Rap” series.

No? You haven’t had internet access for the past three years? Well, like most brilliant ideas, it’s pretty simple: Every time JT appears on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,” the dynamic duo put together a mashup of classic rap songs, and everyone in the world swoons. The most recent “history” was this past weekend, and it did not disappoint.

Much as these sweet, sweet remixes are histories of rap, they’re also histories of the fun (and/or funny) dances people have done to rap songs—because Jimmy and JT being Jimmy and JT, a performance just isn’t complete without choreography. We’ve seen them do the robot, the running man, the “Push It” thrust, the Dougie, the Soulja Boy “Superman” dance, the Michael Jackson toe stand, the “Jump On It” ride-your-horse-in-a-circle move, even a bit of that *NSYNC “puppet” thing. (Justin Timberlake: not ashamed of his roots!)

In other words, each rap history is its own little vaudeville act, and all of them are darn near perfect. Enjoy four installments worth of good song-and-dancey fun.

#1 (sorry about the strange distortion):










