Learn the Most Famous Rockettes Dance Moves
Wanna be a Rockette? I know. We all do. But while sharing the Radio City Music Hall stage with a squad of fabulous high-kicking ladies may feel like a faraway dream (at least for the moment!), now you can learn some of the Rockettes‘ signature choreography right in your own living room, thanks to the Rockettes Dance Moves video series.
What’s that? You’ve already obsessively watched every available YouTube snippet of the Rockettes, trying to absorb each chaîné turn and kick-ball-change? I know. We all have. But the Rockettes Dance Moves videos are different: They actually break down the minute details of the group’s high-precision choreography, from fingertip to LaDuca-clad toe. It’s a true insider’s peek at the group’s world-famous choreo.
Basically, the videos take you here—inside the rehearsal studio with Rockettes. Neat. (photo via the Rockettes Facebook page)
The Rockettes are rolling out a new Rockettes Dance Moves video every couple of days. A grand total of eight will eventually grace the interwebs, so keep your eyes on the group’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. But for the moment, please enjoy the first vid in the series, which breaks down the super-famous “Squad Revolve” from the “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers”: