A Lindy-Hop Versus Hip-Hop Dance Battle FTW
You know those days when you’re a little bit down on dance? Maybe you just don’t feel like going to ballet class, or staying after school for dance team rehearsal, or spending your weekend at a competition. You’ve temporarily lost your dance love. But don’t worry, I have a cure.
The city of Montreal hosts a huge swing dance festival every year, and this year some of the participants engaged in an invitational dance-off, showcasing Lindy-Hoppers versus street dancers. Um? Yes. Yes they did.
Think those dance styles don’t have anything in common? Think again, and watch their footwork closely. The street dancers pay homage to old-school jazz and vaudeville, while the swing dancers funk-up their super-fast style with some isolations and freezes.
The video is long, so get comfy and prepare to smile for fifteen minutes straight—and if this doesn’t remind you of why you love to dance, I don’t know what will!