Mia's Favorite Routine

October 26, 2012

Dancers and choreographers are notoriously hard on themselves. Even the pros who have been in the business for decades are just as self-critical as we are.

Mia Michaels is no exception. I got the chance to sit down with Mia recently (I love my job) and talk about everything from her upbringing (her dad was her dance teacher!) to her career highlights (“I haven’t had it yet,” she insists, though when I forced her to pick something she said it would probably be choreographing Celine Dion’s A New Day show in Las Vegas).

When I asked Mia about her favorite piece for television, specifically “So You Think You Can Dance,” she wouldn’t pick. She told me she’s happy with moments—never entire pieces. But she did talk about one routine she was particularly proud of: “Did I?”

This contemporary routine was set on the Top 12 dancers on “So You Think You Can Dance: Canada” and I had never seen it before.

It’s so worth watching, and I can see why this is one of Mia’s favorites.


Oh, and if you’re dying to know why I was with Mia, you’ll have to wait. But I promise it was for a very awesome reason.