Please Drop Everything and Watch this New Yanis Marshall Video Immediately
YESSSS you guys!
A few days ago, Yanis Marshall, brilliant dancer/choreographer and creator of one of my favorite Beyoncé tributes of all time (which, if you know me, is saying a lot), released yet another fabulous video.
As usual, it stars Marshall in killer heels. As usual, it includes his equally amazing, and similarly be-heeled, backup posse (friends Arnaud Boursain and Mehdi Mamine). As usual, it’s set to an earworm of a power anthem—this time, Ariana Grande’s “Break Free.” And as usual, it’s been playing on repeat in my cubicle since I first laid eyes on it.
Naturally, I’m not the only one obsessed with Marshall. A couple weeks back, none other than Brian Friedman got together with him at Movement Lifestyle in L.A. for a little dance session—to Britney, of course. Friedman is no slouch in heels himself, and the result was totally delightful:
Never stop, Yanis. NEVER EVER STOP.