Ricky Ubeda's On the Town Family
It’s no secret we were pumped when we heard the official announcement: Ricky Ubeda is joining the cast of On the Town on Broadway. You may recall, we were so excited, we couldn’t wait to see him in costume—so we got a little Photoshop-happy with the pictures from Ubeda’s DS cover shoot…
LOL. (Original photo by Lucas Chilczuk for Dance Spirit)
Judging by Ubeda’s Twitter, it seems like “America’s Favorite Dancer” has fallen in love with life on Broadway. Plus, on Friday, Playbill released 43 glorious photos of the men of OTT at NYC’s South Street Seaport, and Ricky looks right at home among these “hunky sailors.” Here are a few of our favorites:
All photos by Monica Simoes for Playbill.
Looks kinda familiar, don’t you think?
Not sure what’s going on here, but we love it.
So perfect, right?! Click here to see the full gallery, and for even more Ricky-in-OTT action, check out this behind-the-scenes video from the shoot:
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