RIP, Robin Williams
August 11, 2014
By now you’ve all heard about Robin Williams’ tragic death. The news broke like a tidal wave last night. If you’re like us, every one of your social media feeds has been filled with tributes to the brilliant, one-of-a-kind comedian and actor.
Williams wasn’t really a dancer, but he trained at Juilliard and had an incredibly deep knowledge of the arts. He may not have danced much, but he knew dance, and dance history. Just look at this clip from The Birdcage. He totally nails Bob Fosse, and Martha Graham, and Twyla Tharp, and Michael Kidd, and Madonna—all in less than 20 seconds:
Goodbye Mr. Williams, man of music and movement and magic. You’ll be dearly missed. As The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences said last night: