Who Run the World? Larsen Thompson and Taylor Hatala.
Need a kick-start to your week? “Run the World,” the newest concept video from choreographer Janelle Ginestra, videographer/director Tim Milgram and self-titled “Fraternal Twins” Taylor Hatala and Larsen Thompson, will certainly do the trick. OK, so they’re not actually fraternal twins (as you know). But 14-year-old Larsen and 11-year-old Taylor are seriously the best lady-dance partners the world could ask for. And add in the right concept and styling, and the two really do look a lot like sisters…
But I digress.
In Ginestra’s world (and Beyoncé’s, for that matter) the twins are at the top—this time as global CEOs, running the world like the true bosses they are. For the most part, it’s just Taylor and Larsen, though Kyle Hanagami has quite possibly the cutest cameo in the history of concept videos. What starts off as Window’s Surface commercial–esque turns into the most kick-butt call for more women leaders.
World domination on fleek (Larsen Thompson and Taylor Hatala in “Run the World”)
I’d watch this video before starting any summer school work you might be putting off. #Girlpower #Inspiration #YoumightevenrunforStudentcouncilpresidentthisyear.