School Buzz: Houston Ballet Student Wins Top Honors At Prix de Lausanne

May 31, 2010

What did you get for your last birthday? The week that Houston Ballet II dancer Emanuel Amuchastegui turned 19, he took first place and the “audience favorite” award at the 38th Prix de Lausanne ballet competition!

“I was surprised because I didn’t think I would win,” says Emanuel, a student at the company’s Ben Stevenson Academy. “I was happy when I got the audience award because I feel that my purpose is to reach people and get my feelings out on the stage. When I got that award, I felt like my mission was complete.”

The Prix was Emanuel’s first international competition. He was one of 81 dancers selected to compete from a pool of 226 applicants from 36 countries. Emanuel, a native of Argentina, is also the first of the school’s students to win the event.

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