So You Want to Be a Laker Girl?
You already know the many reasons dance teams rock. And being on a professional basketball dance team is even better: Not only can it potentially lead to big things (like, Paula Abdul big), you also get to perform in jam-packed stadiums at major events around the world. Like seasoned members of the Knicks City Dancers have told us, it’s a seriously sweet part-time gig.
Paula Abdul, front and center. The 80s were awesome.
(photo via
If you’re over 16 and this sounds like your kind of thing (um, yes please!), get yourself to L.A. this weekend for the Laker Girls workshop. Laker Girls director Lisa Estrada and dance convention/competition Hollywood Connection are hosting an all-day clinic for dance-team hopefuls at California State University Long Beach on Saturday, June 14th. Participants will learn team choreography, experience mock auditions and meet, ask questions and hear feedback from Estrada herself.
The registration fees are a little steep ($110 if you register by Thursday, $120 at the door), but it does seem like a fantastic networking opportunity before the Laker Girls hold auditions in July.
Hopefuls audition for the Knicks City Dancers—this year KCD auditions are June 21!
(photo courtesy Madison Square Garden)
Can’t make it to L.A.? There may be a clinic for your city’s dance team coming up verrry soon since audition season is now in full swing. The Brooklynettes in Brooklyn, NY, for instance, are hosting their second audition intensive on June 23rd before their auditions June 28th. And the Knicks City Dancers are holding four audition clinics (June 11th—that’s tonight—and the 12th, 18th and 19th) before their audition June 21st. Check out your city’s team (or the city of your dream team’s) website for info.