Some of Our Favorite Dancers Are Featured in These Mysterious (and Beautiful) Tech Ads
There’s no question that dance has pretty much taken over when it comes to mainstream advertising (and if you need a refresher—Exhibits A, B and C). And while we’re all for dance (and dancers!) getting the recognition they deserve, it can be exhausting to watch brands get it wrong over and over. Which is why these new ads, featuring NYCB’s Ashley Bouder, ABT’s Gillian Murphy, Lauren Froderman and Dakota Moore, are not only super-tantalizing, but absolutely stunning, too. While we’re not super familiar with Acer (we know it’s an electronics company based in Taiwan), we must applaud the team behind these beautiful Instagrams. See for yourself below, and prepare to be mesmerized.
Performance, pushed to the limit. The Acer Swift 7, coming at you with strength and style. #DareToBeSwift @gillianemurphy @ashleybouder @lfrodie @dakota_madison @sweinzierl #Acer #Swift #AcerSwift #AcerSwift7 #Swift7 #LeadingTheTrendInStyle #Style #Ballet #Dance #NewYork #NYC #LaurenFroderman #AshleyBouder #DakotaMoore #GillianMurphy #StevenWeinzierl
A post shared by Acer Official (@acerglobal) onMar 3, 2017 at 6:10am PST