Super Bowl? No, Super Beyoncé.
I always wanted to be one of those “cool girls” who’s all into sports and understands the difference between a first down and a field goal. Sorry, Dad: I didn’t get the Feller family football gene I guess.
So while I won’t necessarily appreciate Sunday’s big battle between the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens (the only reason I know that’s who’s playing is because I happened to watch the “Today” show this morning), there is one thing I’m absolutely looking forward to during the Super Bowl: the halftime show. And this year, Beyoncé will be taking center stage, flocked by what appears to be tons and tons of dancers.
I’m a huge Queen Bey fan, so while I couldn’t care less about who wins the game, I will be glued to the TV during the in-between moments, attempting to master those all-too-good “Single Ladies” moves in the comfort of my own living room.
Mrs. Jay-Z (oh please…homegirl hardly needs that title—she’s cool enough on her own, but having a hot superstar husband certainly doesn’t hurt her street cred) seems to be pretty pumped about the pending performance herself, and she posted these photos on her website yesterday:
Go Team Bey!
(Don’t forget to tune into the big halftime show—er, game—Sunday at 8 PM!)