Tag: anxiety

Kathleen Laituri dancing outside in a park. She wears a long blue dress and character heels as she executes a layout.

Sometimes the Best Way to Move Forward Is to Stop Dancing

I’ve been an anxious person and a perfectionist for as long as I can remember. I was devastated over an A-minus on a test, I would stretch until I cried, I would go over a dance I knew well a million times consecutively before going onstage, and my brain concocted endless worst-case scenarios. As a […]

How Essential Oils Can Help Dancers With Everything From Sore Muscles to Anxiety

If you’re battling aching muscles or pre-show nerves, a scented oil is probably the last thing you’d consider as a solution. Essential oils are more than just smells, though—these highly concentrated plant extracts have some serious healing powers. Sold online or over-the-counter at most health food stores, pure essential oils are completely natural and can […]

One Dancer's Journey Through Depression and Anxiety

Twenty-five-year-old Sydney Magruder Washington had dreams of auditioning for ballet companies and Broadway shows when she moved to NYC four years ago, as a recent graduate of Skidmore College. But after completing an apprenticeship with Connecticut Ballet in 2015, her anxiety and depression became so severe that she could barely leave her apartment—let alone go […]