Tag: career

Get a Global Education

Do you love the edgy contemporary dance scenes in Europe and Canada? Many international colleges offer dance degrees roughly equivalent to the American BFA—and those degrees can often be completed in three years instead of four. So grab your passports: We’ve rounded up some of the top dance programs for international study. A student in […]

You're Doing It Wrong: Mistakes You Don't Realize You're Making

Writing down her corrections in a journal helped Kaitlyn Jenkins (here on “Bunheads”) fix her arabesque for good. (ABC Family/Randy Holmes) There are two words no dance hopeful wants to hear: “rookie mistake.” Even if you have fierce fouettés and super-pointy feet, there are still some universal no-no’s to avoid if you want to hear […]

Getting an Agent

Aimee Otte performing at The PULSE On Tour, where she was first spotted by her eventual agent. You hear stories about now-famous actors and models being “discovered”—but does that happen to dancers, too? As Aimee Otte can attest, the answer is an emphatic “yes.” She got her big break last year at The PULSE On […]

Working in Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada

Ever wonder why so many dancers are flocking to Las Vegas to find work? Us, too. To find out what really happens in Vegas, we asked super-skilled brothers Kevin and Marcel Wilson, who’ve lent their dance and choreography talents to artists all along the Strip, including Cher, Wayne Brady, and Donny and Marie Osmond. Here, […]