Tag: chapman university

Jennifer Backhaus sitting at the front of the studio watching students perform barre exercises

How to Make the Most of Summer Breaks as a Dance Major

Even after the whirlwind of Nutcracker season and finals dies down, summer break can feel very far away. Still, because appliĀ­cations for intensives, internships, and jobs open in winter, now is the time to start planning for the warmer months. Find Your Focus In her Intro to Dance Studies course at Chapman University, Jennifer Backhaus encourages dancers […]

7 Mistakes Dancers Make When Choosing a College Program

Choosing a college dance program is a super-high-stakes decision: You’re trying to set yourself up for career success, and you’re making a huge financial commitment. So it’s no wonder the process feels rife with pitfalls. Here are the seven biggest mistakes dancers make in their quest for the perfect school. Skipping the Campus Visit This […]

This Dance Major's Open Letter Is Way Too Relatable

“When a biology major asked if I was illiterate because I studied dance, I realized just how much of a joke my field of study is to some people.” That’s how Camryn Eakes, a junior dance major, opens her incredibly powerful open letter asking fellow Chapman University students to (as the title puts it) “Recognize […]

A Cirque du Soleil Symposium

What’s cooler than a chance to talk to dance pros, pick their brains about how they got where they are and get an insider’s look at where they work and train? Nothing. Chapman University in Orange, CA, hosts a yearly Cirque du Soleil Entertainment and Technology Symposium, which allows students to get a special look […]