Tag: competition dance

Margaret Jarvie dancing on stage wearing a long sleeved red leotard and performing an arabesque

The Pros and Cons of Competing Independently

Most dancers who participate in competitions and conventions attend with a dance studio. But each year, a small group of soloists opt to go for it as independents, without a studio affiliation. There are plenty of benefits to this approach—as well as a few possible drawbacks. Before you sign up, consider what you’re willing to […]

American Ballet Theatre’s Madison Brown (left, with Alejandro Valera Outlaw in Houston Thomas’ Knife’s Edge) attended competitions frequently as a teen. She says she’s now grateful for the breadth of her training.

Shifting the Comp Kid Stigma

When Kamille Upshaw arrived at The Juilliard School in 2007, she’d been a competition dancer for a decade. “There was still a bit of a stigma about competition dancers,” says Upshaw, who attended Baltimore School for the Arts and trained at Spotlight Studio of Dance in Millersville, Maryland. “We were seen as being all about […]

BPM Dance Complex dancers and staff backstage before performing.

How to Deal With Mid-Comp-Season Burnout

While full of excitement and fun, competitions are also mentally and physically taxing. It’s easy to find yourself run down after months of rehearsing and performing for hours on end every week. How can both teachers and dancers keep normal fatigue from turning into burnout? By recognizing the telltale signs and making small but meaningful […]

Big City Dance Center students. Courtesy Fruchey.

How to Balance a Busy Schedule of School, Dance and More

With virtual learning and Zoom training as not-so-distant memories, an academic year free of pandemic interruptions is an especially exciting prospect this fall. But as dancers stack their calendars with in-person classes, competitions and social commitments, they may be asking themselves: How much is too much? “Coming out of the pandemic, an unusual number of […]

Brady Farrar with Alejandro Valera Outlaw performing in Gemma Bond’s The Go Between.

Meet 3 Ballet Pros Who Started Out as Comp Kids

For decades, the worlds of ballet and commercial dance were considered separate and distinct, with little overlap between the two. This conventional wisdom has been challenged by the success of artists like Tiler Peck, who participated in competitions as a jazz dancer before joining New York City Ballet and becoming one of its stars. Ballet […]

5 Dancers Share What It's Really Like to Return to Competitions Right Now

For the first time since the coronavirus hit the U.S., competitions and conventions are meeting in-person once again (brimming with safety precautions, of course), and dancers couldn’t be more thrilled. We asked five standout comp kids about their recent experiences attending competitions around the country—and how they’re taking advantage of these long-lost opportunities. Hailey Bills […]

5 Standout Comp Kids You Should Be Following—Now

The competition world is filled with so many talented dancers that for one dancer to stand out, they need something special—not just legs up to their ears or seemingly never-ending turns, but something more. For many comp world standouts, it’s a certain, special confidence: The confidence in what they, and only they, can offer. Dance […]