Tag: dance advice

Dear Katie: Am I Too Hard on Myself?​

In our “Dear Katie” series, former NYCB soloist Kathryn Morgan answers your pressing dance questions. Have something you want to ask Katie? Email [email protected] for a chance to be featured! Dear Katie, By nature, I’m incredibly self-critical. I’m hard enough on myself that my dance teachers have even told me to lighten up a little. […]

Lauren Lovette Writes a Letter to Her Teenage Self

New York City principal Lauren Lovette has become an icon thanks to her emotional maturity and exceptional musicality. The 26-year-old quickly rose through the ranks after joining the company as an apprentice in 2009, reaching principal status in 2015. A Thousand Oaks, CA, native, Lovette started studying ballet seriously at age 11, at the Cary […]

From Competitions to Campus: How 4 Comp Stars Made the Leap

Considering a dance degree to build on your competition experiences? DS caught up with comp-circuit stars who chose higher ed to learn the advantages of transitioning from comp kid to college kid. Ability to Pick Up New Genres “Because I’d been exposed to so many different genres—hip hop, theater, contemporary, and ballet—I was able to […]

How Going to College Abroad Could Take Your Dancing to the Next Level

When it comes to college, you’ve got countless options. University or conservatory? BA or BFA? East Coast or West? But there’s one potentially game-changing option you probably haven’t considered yet: U.S. or international? The perks of going global are hard to ignore. For one, international programs are often significantly cheaper than domestic ones. “The tuition […]