Tag: dance favorites

The Dance We're Thankful for This Year

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We hope you’re enjoying this wonderful day of feasting. In the spirit of the holiday, we thought we’d reflect on the dance things we’re grateful for this year. Here are our editors’ top picks. Katherine Beard, assistant editor “I’m thankful for the next generation of black ballerinas who are making the ballet […]

10 Things Dancers Can't Help but Be Grateful For

It’s finally Thanksgiving and us dancers truly have so much to be thankful for! But we’re not just talking about all that sentimental, predictable stuff like families and friends. I mean, don’t get us wrong, family and friends are great and all, and really deserving of gratitude, but tbh, so are naps. And bobby pins. […]

The Dance We're Thankful for This Year

Happy Thanksgiving, dance friends! Since today is a day for reflection and gratitude (and eating…so much eating), I asked my fellow Dance Spirit editors to tell me the dance-world things they’re most grateful for. Here’s what they had to say: Courtney Bowers, managing editor: “I’m thankful for Jennifer Garner’s hilarious ballet memes, Michaela DePrince’s super-cool […]