Tag: dance goals

New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Dancers

Yes, New Year’s resolutions are still a thing! As obnoxious as it is to be constantly bombarded by “What’s your New Year’s resolution this year?,” this goal-setting tradition can actually be the first step in making healthy changes that will help you improve as a dancer. But in order for those changes to occur you […]

6 Dance Stars Share Their New Year's Resolutions for 2019

One of the best (and most challenging) things about dance is that no matter how good you are, there will always be something more you can do to improve. Dance Spirit talked to some of the biggest dance stars to find out what they’re hoping to work on during this next year. Between dance resolutions […]

The Best Exercises for Strengthening Hyperextended Knees

If you’re one of the lucky dancers #blessed with hyperextended knees, you know that while they’re super-pretty to look at, they’re also super-prone to injury. Dance Spirit asked Sean P. Gallagher, BFA, PT, CFT, CPT, MS, and founder of Performing Arts Physical Therapy in NYC, about the most effective strengthening moves for hyperextension. Photos by […]

How to Set–and Achieve–Your Dance and Fitness Goals

It’s almost the new year, which means resolution-making will be a “thing” for at least the next week. And while making goals (especially fitness-related ones) is an important part of progressing as a dancer, more times than not, New Year’s resolutions end up as forgotten promises. But resolutions don’t always have to result in guilt […]