Tag: dancer

Get Energized: The Lowdown on Portable Pick Me Ups

Energy gels: You’ve probably heard of them. The instant, long-lasting energy they provide sounds like a dream come true. But are these supplements really good for dancers? DS investigates. —Sarah Badger The Good + Prone to stomach problems? Some gels, like GU, contain small amounts of chamomile and ginger, which can help soothe your digestive […]

To Nap or Not To Nap?

Dancers fit a lot into their days: school, work, dance class, homework—and maybe even a social life! But trying to fit everything in can make it tough to get enough sleep. In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation, only 15 percent of teens get the recommended eight-and-a-half to nine-and-a-quarter hours of sleep on school nights. […]

Good Foods Gone Bad

Do you think that bread, pretzels and yogurt fit nicely into a healthy diet? Think again. Although they’re low in fat, these foods possess questionable nutritional value. Some are processed and refined, while others lack water and volume—talk about setting yourself up for chronic hunger and energy lows! Here are eight foods that may be […]

Dancers Talk About Getting A Grip On Being Gay

Being a teenager can be tough. On top of working to improve your turnout and grand jetés, you’re learning to balance schoolwork, friends, family—and those crushes on the boys and girls in your life. As dancers, you already use your bodies as instruments, so you may be even more keenly aware of your physicality and […]