Tag: dew drop

Please Enjoy NYCB's Male Stars Making Their Dew Drop Debuts

It’s the day after Thanksgiving, and you know what that means: NUTCRACKER SEASON HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN. Frankly, given that everyone’s been nutcrack-ing away in rehearsals for a solid couple of months now, we’re all already feeling a bit burned out. But the dancers of New York City Ballet—who perform no fewer than 47 Nutcrackers each […]

Brace Yourselves: It's Nutcracker Time

The last Thanksgiving leftovers have been eaten. The Black Friday deals have come and gone. The Christmas season is, in case you haven’t noticed the red bows and greenery literally EVERYWHERE, in full swing. And you know what that means. It’s Nutcracker time, my friends. We’re in for a solid month of party scenes and […]

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