Tag: fashion

My Favorite Costume

The Joffrey Ballet’s April Daly as Desdemona and Fabrice Calmels as Othello in Lar Lubovitch’s Othello (Herbert Migdoll) APRIL DALY The Joffrey Ballet “All of Desdemona’s costumes in Lar Lubovitch’s Othello are amazing. They’re flowy and romantic. We use the same Othello costumes that have been worn by Julie Kent at American Ballet Theatre and […]

Work Your Wardrobe

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My Extracurricular Activity

Sure, dance is fun, but these performers have other skills they’re putting to good use: Alexandra Johnson in Sidra Bell’s House Unrest. (Jubal Battisti) Alexandra Johnson Sidra Bell Dance New York Hobby: Reupholstering furniture “My mother has always been into sewing and she’s worked in interior design, so I latched on to her interests. Now, […]