Tag: new year's resolution

6 New Year’s Dance Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep

It’s one thing to put “earn a convention scholarship” or “master fouettés” on your list of resolutions for the new year—and those are certainly worthy accomplishments to work toward. But if aiming for such major wins feels a tad ambitious, try adding a few resolutions focused on simply improving your mindset in the new year. […]

Your Health and Wellness New Year's #Resolutions

Dancers are famous (notorious?) for pushing themselves to the limit. We’re always trying for more, so it can be difficult to figure out just when, where and—honestly—why we should take time to care for our bodies. The truth is, dancers can put off necessary care if they’re afraid it might mean taking a break. So […]

2015 Dance Resolution Calendar

Misha Gabriel (photo courtesy Break the Floor Productions) This year, make your dance resolutions last by sticking to a set calendar. We asked four pros to submit important dance goals, and assigned one goal to each month of 2015. With our experts’ help, you’ll be able to carry that beginning-of-year boost straight through to December. […]

Flu Fighters, New Year's Resolutions, Probiotics and More

FLU FIGHTERS The weather outside is frightful, which means we’re all cooped up inside, sharing one another’s germs. Don’t wait until you’re already sick! Start fighting for your immune system now with these six nutrients recommended by registered dietician Marie Scioscia of The Ailey School. #1 Beta-carotene: Any fruit or vegetable that’s yellow or orange […]

New Year, New Goals

January 1 is the perfect time to hit the “refresh” button on your dance training and shake off whatever was holding you back last year. It might be hard to believe, but even the most amazing dancers use this time of year to look for ways they can improve and set new goals. Here are […]