Tag: new york city ballet

Choreographer's Collage: Justin Peck

(by Paul Kolnik) Justin Peck’s ballets are at once contemporary and playful, with intricate partnering and kaleidoscopic formations. Though the New York City Ballet corps member began choreographing just three years ago, he’s already made works for the Nantucket Atheneum Dance Festival and the Columbia Ballet Collaborative at Columbia University (where he takes academic classes). […]

Ballet Blast from the Past

Sometimes Facebook is a magical place. Just this morning, I found a real gem in my newsfeed: an image from a November 2001 Vogue profile of two up-and-coming New York City Ballet dancers, Ashley Bouder and Carla Körbes. Vogue did a good job talent-scouting, because today, of course, Bouder’s a principal at NYCB and Körbes […]

The Feet Inside the Shoes

Let’s just say it: Objectively speaking, dancer feet, particularly ballet dancer feet, can be really, really gross. Bruised toenails, blisters, callouses, bunions—they’re not the most attractive things in the world. But “ugly” feet are also a dancer’s badge of honor. First, they’re visual testimony to the hours of grueling work we all put in to […]

Valentino for New York City Ballet

New York City Ballet has been on a serious fashion kick recently. First there were Gilles Mendel’s costumes for Melissa Barak’s Call Me Ben a couple of years ago. Then there were Stella McCartney’s designs for Ocean’s Kingdom, with music and story by her dad Sir Paul. Most recently, there were the Rodarte and Mendel […]

Dance to the Music (Video)

Dance and music videos—they’ve always gone together, from the zombie routine in Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” to the Fosse-inflected choreo for Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It).” And of course they have. Who wouldn’t want to complement a great, catchy song with equally memorable dancing? A couple of recent music videos have put dance […]

All in the Family

I love dancing families. Whatever pitfalls may come with training alongside a brother or a sister (or a mother, or a father), there’s something really neat about watching family members work and perform together. They just get each other. And talk about a built-in support system. (Can you tell I’m the only one in my […]

Dancer Love

What a busy, happy weekend it was at New York City Ballet! Yesterday I told you about Rebecca Krohn and Ana Sophia Scheller, who were both made principals on Saturday afternoon. Today I found out that principal Sebastien Marcovici proposed to fellow principal Janie Taylor on Friday night, after the pair performed in Balanchine’s oh-so-romantic […]

New York City Ballet's Newest Principals

Congratulations to New York City Ballet’s Rebecca Krohn and Ana Sophia Scheller, who were both promoted to principal over the weekend! I have to admit I was a little surprised at the news—I thought we might see some promotions at American Ballet Theatre first, since its principal roster has dwindled significantly over the past year. […]