Tag: nuvo dance convention

Creative Arts Academy dancers and teachers at 24 Seven Dance Convention.

Real-Deal Advice on Convention Scholarships

Many competitive dancers are eager to land coveted convention scholarships. But why are these awards so sought-after? How can dancers increase their odds of winning them—and who might they not be right for? The Scholarship Advantage One of the largest benefits to convention scholarships is perhap­s the most obvious: financial relief. Attending conventions­ can be […]

Ray Leeper

(Break the Floor Productions) If you’re a convention kid, surely you know Ray Leeper. As executive director of NUVO Dance Convention and co-director of The Dance Awards, Leeper is immediately recognizable for his awesomely spiky hair and his fabulous year-round tan. But he’s more than just a good-looking guy: Leeper is a sought-after choreographer and […]

Competition Insiders

Last summer, sisters Vivian and Savannah Reach attended NUVO Nationals in L.A. Vivian, then 15, competed for National Teen BreakOut Artist, and Savannah, then 17, competed for the senior title. During the year leading up to Nationals, Savannah and Vivian trained hard at their home studio, The Dance Centre, in Tuscaloosa, AL. For Vivian, all […]