Tag: stephen colbert

How These Tap Trailblazers Are Still Influencing Dance Today

As a tap dancer, you’re a student of history—whether you know it or not. Tap technique today is intimately connected to the great hoofers of the past. “Tap is incredibly personal, because all of these individuals have added to the public domain, the pool of steps you draw from,” says Brian Seibert, dance critic for […]

Michelle Dorrance to Appear on "The Late Show" Tonight!

  Hey all you night owls! Tap star, and bona fide genius, Michelle Dorrance will appear on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” tonight at 11:35pm. If you can’t stay up that late (I know I can’t), you can click here to watch the full episode on Thursday. Dorrance will be teaching Colbert a step […]

David Hallberg on CBS News

“Benedict Arnold with slightly tighter pants” (as Stephen Colbert says) is the news yet again. American Ballet Theatre and Bolshoi Principal David Hallberg made an appearance on CBS News over the weekend to talk about his decision to join the ranks in Russia. Watch it here. Then tell us what you think below.  

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