Tag: sylvie guillem

9 Dancers Who Are All Kinds of Foot #Goals

Few things are more beautiful than perfectly arched feet. While us normal humans are on a never-ending quest to make our biscuits look a little bit better, some dancers are just born with gorgeous bananas. Here are 9 artists—from big-name icons to up-and-coming talents—whose feet are all kinds of #goals. Sylvie Guillem French ballet icon […]

These Are (Some of) the Legendary Ballet Dancers That You Should Know

There’s so much history in the ballet world! Some of the dances that are being performed today date back to a century ago, and you wouldn’t know it if you didn’t study it. It’s important to know the origin of the companies and choreography we’ve come to know and love. The following are nine legendary […]

Before They Were Stars

How amazing is the treasure trove of dance videos available online? This morning, DS editor Michael Bailey stumbled upon a gem: Clips of superstar ballerina Svetlana Zakharova as a 16-year-old student at the Vaganova Academy (she begins on the left—and sorry, embedding has been disabled):               It’s incredible! So […]

Guess Those Feet!

Nothing says “dancer” like a borderline-unhealthy obsession with feet—beautiful, pointy, archy feet. Ballet dancers are particularly foot-centric. In fact, some serious bunheads (*cough cough* 15-year-old me *cough*) pride themselves on their ability to identify a dancer solely by her feet. Well, I’m putting you all to the test. Below are the feet of four famously […]