The 2012 Young Choreographer's Festival
Want to be inspired? Find your way to Symphony Space in NYC on June 2, when 11 up-and-coming dancers will present works at the 3rd Annual Young Choreographer’s Festival. The dancemakers, ages 18-25, are selected by a group of industry professionals to perform alongside guest artists like Camille A. Brown, Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, Dana Foglia Dance and more. We caught up with 25-year-old Alexis Convento, to learn more about the festival and the work she’ll be presenting.
Dance Spirit: What was your reaction when you learned you’d been accepted?
Alexis Convento: It was my last chance to apply because of the age constraints, so I really wanted it. I was excited that my company, Alexis Convento and Artists, would have the opportunity to perform alongside established choreographers. I also dance in the piece and getting to perform at Symphony Space will be awesome–it’s such a beautiful place.
DS: Tell us about the piece you’ve choreographed.
AC: It’s a female quartet called Wild Me. It’s based on personal experiences my dancers and I have had, and there’s a voice recording over the music of us reflecting on our experiences.
DS: Where do you find inspiration?
AC: I find it from my dancers and music. I stay inspired by changing up my choreography: If I make an easygoing, light piece, then the next one will be serious and dark. I try to continually expand my voice as a choreographer.
DS: What’s your advice for aspiring choreographers?
AC: Be yourself. At the end of the day you’re creating somthing that is you. Be creative–explore and learn more about who you are as an artist. We need new young voices in dance. It’s our time.
Wild Me, choreographed by Alexis Convento. Photo by Krista Bonura.