This Center Stage Quiz Is #TBT Perfection
I don’t know what Buzzfeed’s connection to Center Stage is, and frankly, I don’t care. Because whatever cosmic force is driving the site’s writers to put out post after brilliant post about the Greatest Movie of Our Times is obviously a force for good.
The awesomeness started back in 2013, with “26 Steps to Becoming an Amazing Dancer as Told by Center Stage.” So. Perfect. (TURNOUT, JODY!)
Then there was “20 Times Center Stage Was Truthful, According to Ballet 422,” which showed a bunch of delicious little parallels between every bunhead’s favorite fictional ballet film and every bunhead’s new favorite ballet documentary. (I especially love the Charlie–Justin Peck comparison, which I kind of can’t believe I didn’t think of myself.)
Back in September, we got “Why Center Stage Was the Best Movie of 2000.” That may sound like a silly idea (I mean forget 2000, it’s the best movie of all time), but in actuality the post was rather insightful, particularly in its recognition of the two greatest quick changes EVER:
And now we have “How Well Do You Know Center Stage?”, the perfect little #TBT quiz. Obviously, you need to take it immediately. But be forewarned: If you don’t get a perfect score on this thing, we are officially not friends. It’s delightful, but it’s JV-level Center Stage trivia, and any self-respecting dance obsessive NEEDS TO BE ON THE VARSITY TEAM. K?
My results, of course. #primaballerina
(All GIFs and images via Buzzfeed)