This Might Be the Last Appropriate Use of the Gangnam Style Dance
Are you sick of Gangnam Style yet? Yes? Us too. But Trey McIntyre Project might revive your dying love for South Korean phenomenon Psy’s internets-dominating song. Let’s just say TMP’s take on Gangnam Style isn’t your run-of-the-mill invisible horse dance.
The backstory: For the past year, TMP has been working with DanceMotion USA, a program that allies the State Department with the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Through DanceMotion, TMP toured Vietnam, China, the Philippines and South Korea. TMP also collaborated with Korea National Contemporary Dance Company, and ultimately McIntyre created a piece with three dancers from the Seoul-based troupe. It premieres tonight, actually, at BAM.
OK, so: The TMP dancers wanted to figure out a creative way to welcome the three South Koreans when they arrived in the US a few weeks ago. And what better way than with an airport flash mob version of “Gangnam Style”?
Hilarity and awesomeness ensued—and, luckily for us, the whole thing was captured on video. Check it out!