Watch Dance Photographer Jordan Matter Take Ballet to the Airport in His Latest Photo Challenge
We’ve all heard William Shakespeare’s famous quote “all the world’s a stage.” Dance photographer, Jordan Matter has taken that quote quite literally as he prefers to shoot his dancers in every day settings like grocery stores, subway stations, and even in the middle of the street. But Matter takes things to a whole new level of outrageous in his latest YouTube video, where he teams up with dancer and model Em Marie, for a photo shoot in Miami International Airport. That’s right, Matter uses the chaotic and rather aggravating ambiance that is an airport for the backdrop of one of the most elegant art forms—and we don’t hate it.
The unconventional backdrop actually makes for a hilarious video, with snapshots any dancer would double tap on Instagram. Checkout, the 10 minute photo challenge and watch to the very end to see if Matter can pull off a tutu as well as the dancers in his photos 😂 .