Watch Juliet Doherty Being Beautiful in This New Short Film
Need some #MondayMotivation? Let Juliet Doherty‘s latest video help you with that.
As we’ve noted before, there’s a can’t-miss formula for an addictively good ballet video: black-and-white cinematography + moody music + light-filled space + beautiful dancers = INFINITE REWATCHES. And the latest entry in that classic genre is even more irresistible, because it stars our friend Juliet and her equally talented partner, Slawek Wozniak.
Directed by Caleb Alvarado, the new short film is simple, streamlined and totally compelling; it’s just two dancers doing what they do exceptionally well. And boy, does the camera ever love it some Juliet. (Which, by the way, reminds us how excited we are that her upcoming feature-length film, On Pointe, more than reached its Kickstarter goal.)
Take a look, get inspired, repeat: