We Love You, Buzzfeed, But Step Off Center Stage

November 6, 2013

Hey, Buzzfeed: We have a bit of a bone to pick with you.

This is rare for us. We are usually big fans of the sweet, sweet procrastination your listicles provide. And in the past you have done very, very right by dancers.

But this week, Buzzfeed, you took things a little too far. You published a piece called “12 Dance Movies That Are Still Amazing Despite Their Terrible Plots.”

OK. Look. We will agree with you that the You Got Served plot is, perhaps, a bit thin. We’ll even give you Honey, though we will happily watch it every time a cable channel plays it at 2 pm on a Sunday. (Jessica Alba’s abs are plot enough.)

But guys: Why is Step Up on this list? Why is Dirty Dancing on this list? WHY IS CENTER STAGE ON THIS LIST?

There are some dance movies that we just refuse to hear anything negative about—even if the criticism is made with love. Especially Center Stage, The Greatest Dance Movie of Our Times.

Forget Margot Fonteyn and her feet: Center Stage may not have great dialogue, but when Center Stage is on screen, you can’t tear your eyes away from it.

Are we clear? Good. Now let’s get back to being best friends, Buzzfeed. We really need you this week.