What We Want Wednesday: Tech Edition
There’s nothing like snow and rain to bring out the shopaholic in all of us. And what’s better than new stuff to brighten gloomy days? New dance stuff, that is!
If you read Dance Spirit on your iPhone, you might consider sprucing up your case. How cute are these from Russian Pointe? They’re officially available February 24, but we’ve snagged a few to give away for free! Check out our Win It! page for details.
Discount Dance Supply
has an edgier cover for both iPhone 4/4s and 5:
For a girly twist, this pretty hand-made cover is available on Etsy:
Bunheads, rejoice! Café Press has a case for iPhone 4/4s featuring the classic New York City Ballet photograph of former ballerina Darci Kister:
And Zazzle.com has some cool dance cases—gotta love the Keep Calm parody and Degas dancer options: