You Could Be in This Tap-Tastic New Film

July 11, 2012

These days, awesome new documentaries about ballet, modern or hip hop are popping up all the time. But it seems like tap has been underrepresented in Hollywood recently.

That is, until now! Superstar tap sisters Chloé and Maud Arnold are working on a feature-length documentary, Tap World, that will showcase inspiring tap stories from around the world. The best part? One of those stories could be yours.

That’s right: They’re currently accepting video “auditions” for the film. Make a clip showcasing your unique tap skills, upload it to YouTube, and you could end up seeing your face on the big screen in Tap World. You can find more instructions about how to enter submissions here, and in the video below. (The submission deadline was recently extended until September 15.)

Happy tapping!

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