Cover Model Search Update!
Thank you to all of the fabulous Dance Spirit readers who entered the 2008 Cover Model Search! We received so many diverse and impressive videos and resumes from all over the country that we had a really tough time narrowing it down to just three finalists. But we finally did it. The lucky dancers are excited to visit NYC in the spring to participate in the Dance Spirit photo shoot and to be interviewed by the DS staff for the articles that will appear in DS. I cannot tell you who they are because that would spoil the surprise, but they know who they are and you will see them in the July/August issue so be sure to check it out! Of course, it will be up to you to choose which finalist will appear on the coveted October cover.
Every year when the Cover Model Search applications arrive, we get excited because we know that the dancer who will appear on the October cover is hidden somewhere in the pile of envelopes. We also anticipate uncovering loads of talent that we may not have otherwise discovered. For instance, last year, we chose Maci, Brooke, and Sara as our three finalists, but we also found three more dancers in the bunch that excited us. Two of them appeared on the cover of later issues, and the third was the subject of a big feature in the magazine. (Can you guess who those dancers are?). So please, if you were not chosen as a finalist this year, don’t get discouraged! It is almost impossible for us to select just three dancers from the group. We have our eyes on many of you!
And if you do decide the apply again for next year’s Cover Model Search, here are just a few tips to consider before sealing your application and video into an envelope.
Whether you send us a VHS or DVD, make sure it actually works before you send it! Don’t send a strange video format that we cannot view.
We love it when you talk to us briefly before showing us your routine! That way we feel like we know you a little better. (But remember to keep it brief.)
Send two variations whenever possible so that we can see more of your range. For instance, if you are a ballet dancer, seeing you in a classical and contemporary variation is great.
Don’t send compilation videos where you just take snips from each variation. We want to see you dance something all the way through or else we wonder if you can actually do something all the way through.
Make sure your resume has the most recent stuff first, not last. And keep them brief—one page if possible.
Last year it was Maci Cameron. The year before it was April Giangeruso. Who will the 2008 Cover Model Search winner be? Check out the July/August issue of Dance Spirit to read up about the finalists and then log onto to cast your vote!